Thursday, December 13, 2012


I had enough with introductions let's talk about how great this day is! The sun was high and the temperatures were amazing, I felt so gypsy like, a road trip sounds great just about now. I would like to go off and explore but I have three papers that won't be done, because of my best-friends very important orchestra concert and the interesting meteor shower we are having tonight. Major grade papers have such bad timing! I would also like to apologize for my goofy pictures but I can't even hide it through a camera!
Hope you had a lovely day (:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


 The whole "I'm Corin and I love tea" was maybe not an all that great intro. So I shall introduce my self in a much better way. Well yes I am Corin & I like tea but there's a lot more to this tea loving girl. Just like any other teenager at this age I'm learning. The thing I sure know is the fact that my mind is all over the place, but what seventeen year old doesn't suffer of that?! I consist of spend a bit to much time on blogs, burying myself in clothes for hours or maybe days, steps away from being a licensed cosmetologist and I plan to escape this place someday.
Oh, I forgot to mention... I Love Velvet!

Friday, December 7, 2012


At Last! I have been hesitating on starting a blog for the past 2 years, & today was finally the day. What brings me here? I feel like maybe, just maybe, I can inspire some one out there, at least one person in this world. Just like I've been inspired by many others. A month from now will be 2013 so it's perfect timing to start something new! Probably this will be something I'll love or hate, but hey it's worth a try! Lets see how this turns out.
Now let me introduce myself (I'm always so bad and this, lol), I'm Corin & I love tea!